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Published Papers and Reports
Dr. Lotika Varadarajan has put together multifarious research through the course of here academic pursuits, and has led her to publish much of her research on indigeneous maritime communities of India.
Dr. Varadarajan's work has evolved with her research methods. Many of the earlier papers relate to Trade History in India, especially along the western coast and along the Indian ocean sea routes frequented by European and Arab traders.
Eventually, she started exploring navigational traditions and the local sources available for such a study, including genealogical records, regional astronomical charts and instruments. Many of her papers through the 1980s and 1990s explore aspects of nautical knowledge in India.
Focus on ethnological aspects of historical research and development of a ethno-historical approach to her research areas subsequently resulted in her looking at traditions, practices and cultures of the Indian ocean islands through their specificities and technologies. She has taken up indigenous boat building technologies to look into aspects of local knowledge and traditions amongst maritime communities.
Some of her papers and reports from over the years are accessible below. Please click on the button to read Dr. Varadarajan's papers as PDFs through her research portal on For more published papers by Dr. Varadarajan on different subjects, please visit
Knowledge and Culture : Liminality and Convergence, The Indo-Portuguese Experience
(Book chapter)
O Estado da Índia d Os Desafios Europeus, Actas do XII Seminário Internacional de Histório Indo-Portuguesa. pp. 245-254
Centro de História de Além Mar, Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portiguesa, Lisboa. Edited by João Paulo Oliveira e Costa, Vitor L.G. Rodrigues.
Indian Ship Building Techniques
(Seminar Paper)
Seminar on: Maritime Encounter of East and West during 15th - 19th Century A.D
Organised by The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, New Delhi. (As a part of the UNESCO Project, Integral Study of the Silk Road: Roads of Dialogue)
6-7 December, 1990.
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Archive created by the Centre for Community Knowledge, Ambedkar University Delhi
with the support of
Vasant J Sheth Memorial Foundation, and
Project Mausam, Indira Gandhi Centre for the Arts
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